The Beatles in India

The Beatles visited Rishikesh in India in 1968 to attend an advanced Transcendental Meditation (TM) training session at the ashram of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Amidst widespread media attention, their stay at the ashram was one of the band's most productive periods. Their adoption of the Maharishi as their guru is credited by some as changing attitudes in the West about Indian spirituality, and encouraging the study of Transcendental Meditation.[1] The Beatles first met the Maharishi in London in August 1967 and then attended a seminar in Bangor, Wales. Although planned to be a 10-day session, their stay was cut short by the death of their manager, Brian Epstein. Wanting to learn more, they kept in contact with the Maharishi and planned to attend his ashram in October, but their trip was rescheduled due to other commitments.

The Maharishi's compound was across from Rishikesh, located in the holy "Valley of the Saints" in the foothills of the Himalayas, and the home to many ashrams. The Beatles arrived there in February 1968, along with wives, girlfriends, assistants and numerous reporters, joining about 60 other TM students, including musicians Donovan, Mike Love of The Beach Boys, and flautist Paul Horn. While there, Lennon, McCartney and Harrison wrote many songs (Ringo Starr wrote one), of which eighteen were later recorded for The Beatles (White Album), two for Abbey Road, and others for solo works.

Starr left on 1 March, after only a short stay; Paul McCartney left mid-March due to other commitments; while John Lennon and George Harrison left abruptly in April following financial disagreements and rumours of inappropriate behaviour by the Maharishi, accusations which were made public. Harrison later apologised for the way the Maharishi had been treated by himself and Lennon, and in 1992, he gave a benefit concert for the Maharishi-associated Natural Law Party. In 2009, McCartney and Starr reunited at a concert held at New York's Radio City Music Hall to benefit the David Lynch Foundation, which funds the teaching of Transcendental Meditation in schools.



In the mid-1960s, The Beatles were becoming more interested in Eastern influences and had been using drugs in an effort to expand their consciousness.[2] Alexis "Magic Alex" Mardas, a friend of all four Beatles and head of Apple Electronics,[3] had heard a lecture by the Maharishi in Athens, Greece, so when Harrison's wife, Pattie Boyd, became interested in the teachings of the Maharishi he encouraged the individual Beatles to attend a lecture.[4] At Boyd's suggestion,[5] The Beatles attended a lecture at the London Hilton on Park Lane, presented by the Maharishi on 24 August 1967.[6] He had announced his imminent retirement, so it was expected to be his last public lecture in the West.[7] Band members had already seen him on Granada TV years earlier.[8] The Beatles were given front row seats and were invited to meet the Maharishi in his hotel suite after the lecture had finished.[9][10] During the ninety-minute meeting, he invited them to be his guests at a training retreat in Wales.[4]

Two days later, on 26 August, the group travelled by train to the campus of a teaching college in Bangor, Wales. It was perhaps the first time the band had travelled without their tour managers and they had not even thought to bring money.[11] The station was mobbed because of a bank holiday and Cynthia Lennon, mistaken for a fan, was held back. She ran after the train, missing it, but arrived later by car.[12] The group, along with Mick Jagger, Marianne Faithfull, Cilla Black, Jenny Boyd and around 300 others,[13][14] learnt the basics of Transcendental Meditation,[15] and were given their mantras.[16] While there, they announced at a press conference that they were giving up drugs (apparently referring to psychedelics, but not marijuana), a choice they had made prior to meeting the Maharishi.[17][18][19] The Maharishi advised them privately to avoid involvement with the "Ban the Bomb" movement and to support the elected government of the day.[20] Although meant to be a 10-day series of seminars, their stay was cut short by the death of their manager, Epstein, in London on 27 August.[21] The Maharishi helped ease their shock by convincing them that Epstein was still with them and that their good thoughts would help his journey "on to its next evolution".[16][22]

Curious to learn more, all four Beatles made plans to attend a TM initiator training programme at the Maharishi's new ashram in India in October.[20] The trip was postponed due to their commitment to the Magical Mystery Tour film and its soundtrack album.[23] The band appeared twice on David Frost's programme talking about TM.[24] Now publicised as "The Beatles' Guru", the Maharishi went on his eighth world tour, giving lectures in Britain, Scandinavia, Germany, Italy, Canada, and California.[25] He spoke to 3,600 people at Madison Square Garden in New York City, in January 1968. The Beatles sent a large flower arrangement to his suite at the Plaza Hotel.[26] Attendance at TM lectures tripled almost immediately after The Beatles became involved.[27] The Maharishi appeared on the covers of a number of magazines from late 1967 through 1968, including Time, Newsweek, Look, Life, and Esquire.[28]

Although there was talk of making a film about the Maharishi in co-operation with Apple Films,[29] it was discovered that the Maharishi was independently negotiating with ABC Television in the US, to create a TV special featuring the band.[30] Two visits by business manager Peter Brown to the Maharishi—who was lecturing in Malmö, Sweden—and one by Harrison and McCartney, failed to stop him proclaiming that he could deliver the band for a TV show.[29] The customary fee for TM initiation at the time was one week's salary. That fee, a considerable amount for a Beatle, was paid by the band and many of their entourage though not by Lennon.[31][32] Harrison flew to Bombay in January 1968 to work on the Wonderwall Music soundtrack, expecting the rest of the group to follow shortly. When they were delayed he flew back to London where the group spent a week in the studio.[33] Before leaving for India, the band recorded the instrumental tracks for "Across the Universe", whose refrain, "Jai Guru Dev",[34] was a standard greeting within the Maharishi's Spiritual Regeneration Movement.[35] Also in January, the Maharishi and Mia Farrow flew together from the US to London and then India.[33]


Lennon, his wife Cynthia,[36] the Harrisons, and Jenny Boyd,[37] arrived in Delhi on 15 February, where they were met by Mal Evans,[38] their advance man, who had arranged the 150-mile (240 km), six-hour taxi drive to Rishikesh. McCartney, his girlfriend Jane Asher, Starr and his wife Maureen arrived four days later.[38] The group arrived three weeks after the session, due to end 25 April, had already begun.[39] They were accompanied by a small retinue of reporters and photographers who were mostly kept out of the fenced and gated compound.[40][41] Entourage members Evans, Brown and Neil Aspinall were there for all or part of the time.[42] Mardas arrived four weeks later.[37]

As soon as Starr arrived in Delhi he asked Evans to take him to a doctor because of a reaction to an inoculation: "When we arrived at the local hospital, I tried to get immediate treatment for him [Starr], to be told curtly by the Indian doctor, 'He is not a special case and will have to wait his turn.' So off we go to pay a private doctor ten rupees for the privilege of hearing him say it will be all right".[43] Also there at the same time were Mia Farrow (who had recently divorced Frank Sinatra), her sister Prudence and brother John, Donovan, Gyp "Gypsy Dave" Mills,[44] Love,[30] jazz flautist Paul Horn, journalist Lewis H. Lapham, film-maker Paul Saltzman, socialite and author Nancy Cooke de Herrera, actors Tom Simcox and Jerry Stovin,[45][46] and dozens of other, all Europeans or Americans.[47][39] Shirley MacLaine did not appear despite speculation that she might attend.[25] Lennon had thought of taking Yoko Ono, but decided against it.[48]


Located in the holy "Valley of the Saints", the International Academy of Meditation, also called the Chaurasi Kutia ashram,[49] was a 14-acre (57,000 m2) compound. It stood across the River Ganges from Rishikesh, the "yoga capital of the world" and home to many ashrams in the foothills of the Himalayas, 150 feet (46 m) above the river and surrounded by jungle.[50] While ashrams are traditionally spartan or primitive, the Maharishi's was designed to suit Western habits and described as "luxurious" but also as "seedy".[31][51] It had been built in 1963 with a US$100,000 gift from American heiress Doris Duke,[52] on land leased from the Uttar Pradesh Forest Department.[49] While The Beatles were there the Maharishi was negotiating with the Indian government to use some nearby park land for an airstrip for a plane which he had been given;[31] a deal which several thousand landless peasants objected to as they had been denied the use of the land for farming.[53] The stone bungalows were equipped with electric heaters, running water, toilets, and English-style furniture.[54]

The ashram was surrounded by barbed wire and the gates were kept locked and guarded.[39] Evans wrote in his diary on 17 February 1968: "The press really tried kicking down the gates into the Ashram, the Indian people on the ashram called me half way through, but as soon as an Indian reporter told me 'No bloody foreigner is going to stop me in my own country', I cooled it".[55] While he kept the media away from his famous students, the Maharishi frequently gave them personal interviews.[39]


Donovan remembered that the first day with the Maharishi was awkward, as everyone sat around on the floor, but nothing was said. Lennon relieved the tension by walking across the room to the Maharishi and patting him on the head, saying, "There's a good little guru".[56]

The days were devoted to meditating and attending lectures by the Maharishi, who spoke from a flower-bedecked platform in an auditorium.[47] The Maharishi also gave private lessons to the individual Beatles, nominally due to their late arrival. The tranquil environment provided by the Maharishi—complete with meditation, relaxation, and away from the media throng—helped the band to relax. Harrison told Saltzman, "Like, we're The Beatles after all, aren't we? We have all the money you could ever dream of. We have all the fame you could ever wish for. But, it isn't love. It isn't health. It isn't peace inside, is it?"[57][58] Maharishi canceled the formal lectures for a time and told students to meditate as long as possible. One student meditated for 42 straight hours,[59] and Pattie Boyd once meditated for seven hours.[60] Jenny Boyd meditated for long periods as well, but also suffered from dysentery (misdiagnosed as tonsilitis). She said Lennon also felt unwell, suffering from jet lag and insomnia.[14] The lengthy meditation sessions left many students moody and oversensitive,[59] a side-effect called "unstressing".

Like the 60 other students at the ashram, all four Beatles adopted native dress, as the ashram had a tailor on the premises to make clothes for the students.[60] They shopped in Rishikesh and bought saris to be made into shirts and jackets in the loudest colours, which went on to affect Western fashions when they wore them back home.[61][62] The women took to wearing saris.[63]

Vegetarian meals were eaten in an open dining area,[64] where they were shared unwillingly with aggressive monkeys and crows.[38][65] Accounts of the food vary, some calling it spicy while others said it was bland. Lennon called the food "lousy",[32] while Pattie Boyd says it was delicious.[65] Menu items included chickpeas mixed with cumin seeds, whole wheat dough baked over a fire, spiced eggplant, potatoes that been picked locally,[66], and, for breakfast, cornflakes, toast and coffee.[64][67] Starr had problems with the diet because of his past illnesses:[43] "The food was impossible for me, because I'm allergic to so many different things, so I took two suitcases with me: one of clothes and one of Heinz beans".[3] After dinner, the musicians shared an evening joint on the roof of Harrison's bungalow,[68] listened to records, and played their guitars and sitars.[69][70] Their partners gathered together in one of their rooms, often talking about life as the wife or partner of a Beatle.[71]

Donovan taught Lennon a guitar finger-picking technique that he passed on to Harrison.[72] The technique was subsequently implemented on "Julia" and "Dear Prudence".[73] The latter was composed by Lennon to lure Prudence Farrow out of her intense meditation.[74] Lennon later said: "She'd been locked in for three weeks and was trying to reach God quicker than anyone else".[75] Another inspiration was hearing for the first time Bob Dylan's newly released album, John Wesley Harding.[42] The stay at the ashram turned out to be one of the group's most creative periods, as Lennon remembered: "I was going humity-humity in my head and the songs were coming out. For creating it was great. It was just pouring out!"[76] Farrow remembered Lennon once saying, "Whenever I meditate, there's a big brass band in me head".[77] But later said: "Although it was very beautiful and I was meditating about eight hours a day, I was writing the most miserable songs on earth".[78] Both Lennon and McCartney often spent time composing rather than meditating,[79] and even Starr wrote a song, "Don't Pass Me By", which was his first solo composition.[80] Plans were made for a concert in Delhi to feature The Beatles, the Beach Boys, Donovan, and Paul Horn.[81] Harrison complained that more time should be spent on meditating, saying, "We're not here to talk about music. We're here to meditate".[68] Harrison's commitment was lauded, albeit comically, by Lennon, who said, "The way George [Harrison] is going, he'll be flying a magic carpet by the time he's forty".[68]

Lennon and his wife, Cynthia, initially enjoyed the experience: "John, always passionate about a new cause, was evangelical in his enthusiasm for the Maharishi, talking about spreading the message to the world. I was a little more sceptical, but I enjoyed the meditation so I was happy to go to India. I hoped, too, that time out of the spotlight would be good for John and me."[41] The Lennons shared a four-poster bed at the ashram, with Lennon playing guitar, while his wife would draw and write poetry between their long sessions of meditation.[71] After two weeks Lennon asked to sleep in a separate room, saying he could only meditate when he was alone.[82] He walked down to the local post office every morning to see if he had received a telegram from Yoko Ono, who sent one almost daily.[47] One of her notes said, "Look up at the sky and when you see a cloud think of me".[83]

Special events

Although access to the individual Beatles was limited, the Maharishi did have all of his students line up for a class portrait, each adorned with a marigold garland.[27] In its various incarnations, the image has been called "one of the most iconic photographs in the history of rock 'n' roll".[85] Cooke de Herrera says that the Maharishi placed The Beatles at the centre of the portrait.[86] It was specially arranged on a podium with a picture of Brahmananda Saraswati in the background, as the Maharishi revered Saraswati as the "Guru Dev" (greatest teacher).[84] They sat for a half an hour while photographers worked.[27] They included Paul Saltzman, a Canadian film-maker who visited the ashram after completing film work elsewhere in India. Saltzman's snapshots during his time at the ashram were later assembled into a book, The Beatles in India (2000).[87]

Mia Farrow, the star pupil before the band's late arrival, felt singled-out by the Maharishi's attention to her, including private sessions, gifts of mangoes, and a birthday party where he gave her a paper crown.[88] The Maharishi celebrated Harrison's 25th birthday, on 25 February, with a cake and a display of fireworks.[64] He gave Harrison an upside-down plastic globe of the world and saying, "George, the globe I am giving you symbolizes the world today. I hope you will help us all in the task of putting it right". Harrison immediately turned the globe to its correct position, shouting, "I've done it!"[89] (Harrison often jokingly referred to the Maharishi as "The Big M").[90] On 8 April, the Maharishi gave an Indian prince's outfit to the Lennons for their son in England on his birthday.[91][36] McCartney was uncomfortable with the Maharishi's flattery, including calling the band "the blessed leaders of the world's youth".[42] Cooke de Herrera, a long-time follower, complained that the Maharishi doted on his celebrity students.[92]

An aviation company owner and patron of the Maharishi's, Kershi Cambata (K.S. Khambatta), flew two helicopters to Rishikesh to take the Maharishi and his guests for rides,[93] for the publicity value,[94] even though the flights required the transportation of fuel by truck to Rishikesh.[94] Newspaper and newsreel reporters covered the event. McCartney remembered Lennon as being extremely eager to be the first to fly with the Maharishi in a helicopter, and after they landed McCartney questioned Lennon about his enthusiasm. Lennon replied, "I thought he'd slip me the answer".[95] On another occasion, an Italian newsreel company filmed the Maharishi and many students, including the band and other musicians, going down to the river while the musicians sang standards such as "When the Saints Go Marching In" and "You Are My Sunshine".[96] One evening, when the moon was full, the Maharishi arranged for everyone to cruise on the Ganges in two barges. The trip started with the chanting of Vedas by two pandits, but soon the musicians brought out their instruments. The Beatles sang Donovan's songs, Love and Donovan sang Beatles' songs, and Horn "really wailed".[97][98]

Early departures

Starr's wife had an aversion to insects:[99] spiders, mosquitoes, and the swarms of flies that were ever-present in the ashram,[100] so he complained to the Maharishi, but was told: "For people travelling in the realm of pure consciousness, flies no longer matter very much". Starr replied, "Yes, but that doesn't zap the flies, does it?"[90] The Starrs left India on 1 March, saying the unfamiliar food was not to their liking, and that they were missing their children.[40][101] Starr later compared the ashram to "a kind of spiritual Butlins" (a low-cost British holiday camp).[102][103] Their departure was per schedule by one account,[104] but premature by others. McCartney and Asher departed in mid- to late-March[105] as he needed to get back to London to supervise Apple Corps and she had a theatrical commitment.[106] When he left he told another student, "I'm a new man".[106]

Mia Farrow, who had come and gone from the ashram before, left again and drifted around India before returning to the United States. Geoffrey Giuliano in Revolver: The Secret History of the Beatles says that, before leaving, she told The Beatles that the Maharishi had made a pass at her.[107] Ned Wynn, one of Farrow's childhood friends, wrote in his 1990 memoir that she had told him in the early 1970s that the Maharishi had definitely made sexual passes at her.[108] In her 1993 autobiography, Cooke de Herrera wrote that Farrow had confided to her, before the arrival of The Beatles, that the Maharishi had made a pass during a private puja ceremony. Cooke de Herrera's opinion was that Farrow was probably mistaken about the encounter.[109] Farrow's 1997 memoirs are ambiguous, describing an encounter with the Maharishi in his private meditation 'cave' when he tried to put his arms around her. She reports that her sister said she was confused about the matter.[88]

Alex Mardas arrived after McCartney left,[110] either at Lennon's invitation or on his own initiative.[82][59] Mardas, who might not have been an active meditator, obtained alcohol which he gave to the musician's partners.[63][111] He pointed to the luxury of the facility and noted the business acumen of the Maharishi.[112] During one of their frequent walks through the woods, Mardas asked Lennon about why the Maharishi always had an accountant by his side.[40] When Mardas questioned the Maharishi, he says the Maharishi offered him money to build a high-powered radio station.[113][114] Writers such as Barry Miles and Cooke de Herrera have blamed Mardas for turning Lennon against the Maharishi,[115][109] which he has vigorously denied.[110][116]


Money, sex, and drugs were sources of tension between the Maharishi and The Beatles. Aspinall was surprised when he realised the Maharishi was a sophisticated negotiator, knowing more than the average person about financial percentages.[117] Evans told Saltzman that the Maharishi wanted the band to deposit up to 25% of their next album's profits in his Swiss bank account as a tithe, to which Lennon replied, "Over my dead body".[118][119] Lennon later told his wife that he felt that the Maharishi had, in her words, "too much interest in public recognition, celebrities and money" for a spiritual man.[120] According to her sister, Patti Boyd had a dream in which "the Maharishi wasn't what he seemed".[14]

Some of the negotiations concerned conflicting deals over a film about the Maharishi. One project involved Four Star Films and Bliss Productions, a company run by Charles Lutes who was the head of the Maharishi's Spiritual Regeneration Movement in the US.[121] It was negotiated by Horn and John Farrow was scheduled to direct.[98] It was hoped that The Beatles would appear in it, but the contract was signed without their commitment. That deal conflicted with a different movie deal being negotiated with The Beatles,[122] who were bound by a contract with United Artists. When the film crew from Four Star arrived on or before 11 April, Harrison and Lennon stayed out of sight. Cooke de Herrera considered the presence of the crew, and Lutes and his lawyer, to have precipitated the sudden departure of Harrison and Lennon,[123] and Horn said it was the catalyst for their discontent.[124]

Lennon became convinced that the Maharishi, who said he was celibate,[125] had made a pass at Farrow or was having relations with other young female students.[126] Lennon later called the Maharishi a "lecherous womaniser".[127][128] Brown recalls that a young blonde nurse from California said she was served chicken during private consultations with the Maharishi and that Mardas said she told him the Maharishi had a sexual relationship with her.[111] In Mardas' account the female in question was an American teacher called Rosalyn Bonas, who told both Lennon and Mardas that the Maharishi had made "sexual advances" towards her. Mardas: "John Lennon and I went to the Maharishi about what had happened ... he asked the Maharishi to explain himself"; the Maharishi answered the accusation by saying, "I am only human".[110] Cynthia Lennon said she thought Mardas was putting the girl up to it.[111] Mardas arranged to spy on the Maharishi when Bonas was with him, and says that he saw them in a compromising position.[129][130] However many of the people who were there, including Harrison, Horn, Jennie Boyd, McCartney and Cynthia Lennon, do not believe that the Maharishi made a pass at any woman.[131]

Deepak Chopra, who was not present but later became a disciple of the Maharishi and a friend of Harrison's, said in 2008 that the Maharishi was upset that all four Beatles were using drugs at the ashram.[132][133] In addition to other tensions, the weather, which had been quite cool in February,[67] was growing hot.[60][134] The Maharishi was planning to move the whole group to Kashmir, at a higher and cooler altitude, in a few weeks.[135]

Later departures

On the night of 11 April, Lennon, Harrison and Mardas sat up late discussing their views of the Maharishi and decided to leave the next morning.[136][137] They packed hurriedly, leaving souvenirs behind,[138][130] while Mardas went to Dehradun to find taxis.[112] Lennon was chosen to speak to the Maharishi. When asked why they were leaving, Lennon replied "If you're so cosmic, you'll know why".[139] Paul Mason, a biographer of the Maharishi, has interpreted Lennon's statement as a challenge to the Maharishi's claim of cosmic consciousness.[140] Lennon said that his mind was made up when the Maharishi gave him a murderous look in response.[141] Cynthia Lennon said that when they later walked past the Maharishi to the taxis he looked "very biblical and isolated in his faith".[141] The Maharishi pleaded, "Wait, talk to me."[112][14] As they were leaving Lennon wrote "Maharishi",[142] later renamed to "Sexy Sadie" because of its potentially libellous content.[143] The taxis kept breaking down, leading them to wonder if the Maharishi had placed a curse on them.[144] The car that the Lennons were in suffered a flat tire and the driver left them, apparently to find a replacement, but did not return for hours. After it grew dark they hitchhiked a ride to Delhi.[145] They caught the first available flight back to London, during which John drunkenly recounted a litany of his numerous infidelities to Cynthia.[139][146] The Harrisons were not ready to go home, so they travelled to Delhi or Madras and worked with Ravi Shankar.[144] When George Harrison got dysentery he thought it might be due to a spell cast by the Maharishi, but he recovered after Shankar gave him some amulets.[14] Harrison later said he had never intended to stay for second half of the course in Kashmir and that Lennon probably wanted to get back to his relationship with Ono.[147]

The departure and split with the Maharishi was well-publicised. In Delhi Lennon and Harrison told the reporters that they had urgent business in London and that they did not want to appear in the Maharishi's film.[130] Back in the UK the band members said that they were disillusioned by the Maharishi's desire for financial gain.[148] McCartney called it a "public mistake".[118] Lennon said on the Tonight show, "We believe in Meditation, but not the Maharishi and his scene" and "We made a mistake. He's human like the rest of us".[27][136] It would be the last time all four Beatles travelled abroad together.[134]

Prudence Farrow stayed with the three-month programme and became a TM initiator, along with 40 other students.[149] Love also finished the programme and travelled with the Maharishi to Kashmir later in the year. He arranged for The Beach Boys to tour with the Maharishi in the US, which has been called "one of the more bizarre entertainments of the era".[150] The summer of 1968 tour was a failure and was cancelled after several appearances.[30]


Philip Goldberg, in his book, American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation, How Indian Spirituality Changed the West, wrote that The Beatles' trip to Rishikesh, "may have been the most momentous spiritual retreat since Jesus spent those forty days in the wilderness".[151] Despite their eventual rejection of the Maharishi, they generated wider interest in Transcendental Meditation,[152] which encouraged the study of Eastern spirituality in Western popular culture.[153][151] Chopra credits Harrison with spreading TM and other Eastern spiritual practices to America almost single-handedly.[154] Following the band's involvement, the concept of meditation spread into Western society's every corner.[155]

After the public break with the band, the Maharishi fell out of the public spotlight for a period and TM was described as a passing fad.[156] Interest grew again in the mid-1970s when scientific studies began showing concrete results, and the Maharishi appeared twice on The Merv Griffin Show leading to a surge on initiations called the "Merv wave".[151] That was followed by the introduction of "Yogic Flying", a technique which offered the promise of levitation.[151] By the time of the Maharishi's death in 2008, the Transcendental Meditation movement had initiated over 5 million people into TM, had taught more advanced techniques to tens of thousands, and had built schools, universities, and businesses across the world valued in the billions of dollars.[45]

Harrison gave a benefit concert for the Maharishi-associated Natural Law Party in 1992,[157] and later apologised for the way the Maharishi had been treated by saying, "We were very young".[158] Asked if he forgave The Beatles, the Maharishi replied, "I could never be upset with angels."[159] McCartney took his daughter, Stella, to visit the Maharishi in the Netherlands in 2007,[160] which renewed their friendship.[40][161] After the Maharishi's death in 2008, McCartney said: "...[M]y memories of him will only be joyful ones. He was a great man who worked tirelessly for the people of the world and the cause of unity".[162] Starr said in 2008, "I feel so blessed I met the Maharishi – he gave me a mantra that no one can take away, and I still use it".[40] In 2009, McCartney, Starr, Donovan, and Horn re-united at a concert held at New York's Radio City Music Hall to benefit the David Lynch Foundation, which funds the teaching of Transcendental Meditation in schools.[163]

The Maharishi left India in the 1970s due to tax issues.[50] The ashram, built on land belonging to the Rajaji National Park, was reclaimed by the government in the mid-1990s after the lease expired in 1981,[49] and fell into disrepair.[50] In 2007, a Canadian actress, Maggie Blue O'Hara, announced plans to renovate and convert the property into a home for the street children of New Delhi.[164] In 2011, a plan was announced by the state government to build an Ayush Gram on the site.[49]

In 2003, Jerry Hall produced a series for the BBC titled "Gurus", which included interviews with TM initiates, Jagger, and Cooke de Herrera, and a visit to the ashram in Rishikesh.[165] Saltzman's photographs at the ashram have subsequently been displayed in galleries worldwide and published in two books.[166] Mira Nair began work on a documentary film about The Beatles' visit to India;[167] although no date for the film release has been announced.


The Beatles wrote many songs during their visit to Rishikesh: 30 by one count,[168] and "48 songs in seven weeks" by others.[169][170] Lennon said: "We wrote about thirty new songs between us. Paul [McCartney] must have done about a dozen. George [Harrison] says he's got six, and I wrote fifteen".[171] Some of the songs became part of the album The Beatles (aka the White Album), while other songs appeared on Abbey Road, and solo records. Several of the songs contained Eastern musical influences.[172]

Recorded for The Beatles:

Recorded for Abbey Road:

Recorded for solo records and others:


See also


  1. ^ Goldberg 2010, p. 7.
  2. ^ Kozinn, Allan (7 February 2008). "Meditation on the man who saved The Beatles". The New York Times. 
  3. ^ a b Anthology DVD 2003.
  4. ^ a b Brown & Gaines 1984, p. 241.
  5. ^ Greene 2008, p. 86.
  6. ^ Boyd & Junor 2008, p. 96.
  7. ^ Goldman 1988, p. 273.
  8. ^ Miles 1997, pp. 400, 403.
  9. ^ Tillery 2010, p. 63.
  10. ^ Goldman 1988, p. 274.
  11. ^ Boyd & Junor 2007, p. 99.
  12. ^ Boyd & Junor 2007, p. 98.
  13. ^ Brown & Gaines 1984, pp. 243–245.
  14. ^ a b c d e Fleetwood & Davis 1991, pp. 61–63.
  15. ^ "Maharishi Mahesh Yogi". The Times (London). 7 February 2008. 
  16. ^ a b Greene 2008, p. 88.
  17. ^ Goldman 1988, p. 275.
  18. ^ Gould 2007, p. 449.
  19. ^ Anthology 2000, p. 262.
  20. ^ a b Felton, Dave (20 September 1967). "Beatles' Yogi Allows Shoes at Conference". Los Angeles Times: p. A3. 
  21. ^ Gregory 2007, p. 188.
  22. ^ Miles 1997, p. 406.
  23. ^ "The Beatles and India". The Beatles Bible. 2010. Retrieved 21 April 2010. 
  24. ^ MacDonald 2007, p. 274.
  25. ^ a b Lefferts, Barney (17 December 1967). "Chief Guru of the World". The New York Times. 
  26. ^ Hofman, Paul (22 January 1968). "3,600 Hear Guru Urge Meditation". The New York Times. 
  27. ^ a b c d Syman 2010.
  28. ^ Oldmeadow 2004, p. 273.
  29. ^ a b Brown & Gaines 1984, p. 257.
  30. ^ a b c Gaines 1995, p. 195.
  31. ^ a b c Nossiter, Bernard (18 February 1968). "IN YOGI LAND". Los Angeles Times: p. 2. 
  32. ^ a b Sheff & Golson 1981, p. 190.
  33. ^ a b Gould 2007, p. 461.
  34. ^ Knowles, Thom (15 February 2007). "Jai Guru Deva". introtomeditation. Retrieved 8 May 2011. 
  35. ^ Gould 2007, p. 462.
  36. ^ a b Ryan 1982, p. 153.
  37. ^ a b Boyd & Junor 2008, p. 112.
  38. ^ a b c Cross 2004, p. 173.
  39. ^ a b c d Lelyveld, Joseph (23 February 1968). "Beatles' Guru is Turning Them Into Gurus With Cram Course". The New York Times. 
  40. ^ a b c d e Leigh, Spencer (7 February 2008). "Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: Spiritual leader who introduced millions, including The Beatles, to transcendental meditation". The Independent. Retrieved 15 March 2010. 
  41. ^ a b Lennon, Cynthia (10 February 2008). "The Beatles, the Maharishi and me". The Sunday Times (London). 
  42. ^ a b c Gould 2007, p. 466.
  43. ^ a b Edmonds, Mark (20 March 2005). "Here, there and everywhere". London: The Times. p. 3. Retrieved 17 August 2009. 
  44. ^ Saltzman 2001, p. 87.
  45. ^ a b Giuliano & Giuliano 2005, pp. 131.
  46. ^ Chaput, John (2 November 2005). "Jerry Stovin, Actor: 1922–2005". The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Ont.): p. S.9. 
  47. ^ a b c Boyd & Junor 2008, p. 115.
  48. ^ Mason 1994, p. 136.
  49. ^ a b c d Kimothi, Paritosh (26 January 2011). "Ayush Gram to come up on Mahesh Yogi ashram site". The Pioneer (New Delhi). Archived from the original on 27 January 2011. 
  50. ^ a b c d Turner, Steve (11 March 2007). "The Fab Tour". Mail on Sunday (London): p. 91. 
  51. ^ "Preacher of Peace". The New York Times. 22 January 1968. 
  52. ^ Cooke de Herrera 1992, p. 124.
  53. ^ Dommen, Arthur J (1 April 1968). "Yogi Undisturbed by Resistance to Airfield". Los Angeles Times: p. 29. 
  54. ^ Brown & Gaines 1984, p. 284.
  55. ^ "Mal Evans' diary extracts". London: The Times. 20 March 2005. Retrieved 8 May 2011. 
  56. ^ Tillery 2010, p. 66.
  57. ^ Greene 2008, p. 93.
  58. ^ Kilachand, Tara (17 May 2008). "'Their humour was one way they kept their feet on the ground'". Mint ( Retrieved 15 March 2010. 
  59. ^ a b c Mason 1994, p. 134.
  60. ^ a b c Boyd & Junor 2007, p. 116.
  61. ^ Cooke de Herrera 1992, p. 222.
  62. ^ Paglia 2003, p. 80.
  63. ^ a b Lennon 2005, p. 209.
  64. ^ a b c Anthology 2000, p. 283.
  65. ^ a b Boyd & Junor 2007, p. 115.
  66. ^ Greene 2008, pp. 94–95.
  67. ^ a b Lennon 2005, p. 208.
  68. ^ a b c Greene 2008, p. 95.
  69. ^ MacDonald 2007, p. 278.
  70. ^ Cooke de Herrera 1992, p. 246.
  71. ^ a b Mulligan 2010, p. 105.
  72. ^ Blaney 2005, p. 134.
  73. ^ MacDonald 2007, p. 300.
  74. ^ Greene 1998, p. 96.
  75. ^ Trager 1997, p. 90.
  76. ^ Goldman 1988, p. 294.
  77. ^ Cook, Dana (8 December 2005). "Imagine all the people". Salon Media Group, Inc.. Retrieved 5 July 2011. 
  78. ^ Ingham 2003, p. 59.
  79. ^ Shore, Randy (13 December 2008). "The sound of The Beatles breaking up; The band's white album turns 40 this year. Randy Shore takes us back". The Vancouver Sun: p. F.1. 
  80. ^ MacDonald 2007, p. 286.
  81. ^ Mason 1994, p. 137.
  82. ^ a b Spitz 2005, p. 755.
  83. ^ Tillery 2010, p. 89.
  84. ^ a b Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh (1955). "Beacon Light of the Himalyas". Paul Mason. p. 65. Retrieved 12 June 2011. 
  85. ^ Gautam, Savitha (2 January 2009). "From Rishikesh to Abbey Road". The Hindu (Chennai). 
  86. ^ Cooke de Herrera 1992.
  87. ^ Saltzman 2001.
  88. ^ a b Farrow 1997, p. 141.
  89. ^ Cross 2004, p. 175.
  90. ^ a b Shouler & Susai 2009, p. 223.
  91. ^ Brown & Gaines 1984, p. 286.
  92. ^ Cooke de Herrera 1992, pp. 212, 219, 252–253.
  93. ^ Mason 1994, p. 135.
  94. ^ a b Cooke de Herrera 1992, pp. 235–238.
  95. ^ AnthologyDVD 2003.
  96. ^ a b Quantick 2002, p. 21.
  97. ^ Cooke de Herrera 1992, pp. 246–247.
  98. ^ a b Feather, Leonard (22 April 1968). "A Report From Meditation Land". Los Angeles Times: p. C27. 
  99. ^ Edmonds, Mark (20 March 2005). "Here, there and everywhere". The Times (London): p. 4. Retrieved 17 August 2009. 
  100. ^ Spitz 2005, pp. 754–755.
  101. ^ Cross 2004, p. 176.
  102. ^ Gregory 2007, p. 198.
  103. ^ a b Miles 1997, p. 397.
  104. ^ Cooke de Herrera 1992, p. 223.
  105. ^ Mid-March -MacDonald (2007) p.448
    *24 March-Spitz (2005) p.755
    *26 March-Miles (1997) p.426, Giuliano & Giuliano (2005) p.131
  106. ^ a b Cooke de Herrera 1992, p. 259.
  107. ^ Giuliano & Giuliano 2005, pp. 126.
  108. ^ Wynn 1990, p. 259.
  109. ^ a b Cooke de Herrera 1992, pp. 213–214, 266.
  110. ^ a b c "Statement by John Alexis Mardas". New York Times. February 2010. Retrieved 3 May 2011. 
  111. ^ a b c Brown & Gaines 1984, p. 288.
  112. ^ a b c Spitz 2005, p. 756.
  113. ^ Ingham 2003, p. 359.
  114. ^ Brown & Gaines 1984, p. 261.
  115. ^ Miles 1997, p. 429.
  116. ^ "Corrections". The New York Times. 4 March 2010. Retrieved 8 May 2011. 
  117. ^ Brown & Gaines 1984, p. 195.
  118. ^ a b Kane 2005, p. 60–61.
  119. ^ Spitz 2005, pp. 755–756.
  120. ^ Lennon 2005, p. 210.
  121. ^ Giuliano & Giuliano 2005, pp. 127–128.
  122. ^ Cooke de Herrera 1992, pp. 262–263.
  123. ^ Cooke de Herrera 1992, p. 266.
  124. ^ Turner 2006, p. 148.
  125. ^ Gould 2007, p. 467.
  126. ^ Miles 1997, p. 428.
  127. ^ Rabey, Steve (17 September 1994). "TM disciples remain loyal despite controversies". Colorado Springs Gazette – Telegraph: p. E.2. 
  128. ^ "TIME 100:The Most Influential Asians of the Century: Gurus and Godmen". 154. 23 August 1999. 
  129. ^ Goldman 2001, p. 295.
  130. ^ a b c Brown & Gaines 1984, p. 289.
  131. ^ Giuliano & Giuliano 2005, p. 129.
  132. ^ Rooney, Ben (6 February 2008). "Maharish Mahesh Yogi, guru to The Beatles, dies". The Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved 15 March 2010. 
  133. ^ "Beatles Meditation Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Dies". Associated Press. 6 February 2008.,2933,328965,00.html. 
  134. ^ a b Gould 2007, p. 468.
  135. ^ Mason 1994, p. 141.
  136. ^ a b Greene 2008, p. 97.
  137. ^ MacDonald 2007, p. 448.
  138. ^ Goldman 2001, p. 296.
  139. ^ a b Cross 2004, p. 177.
  140. ^ Mason 1994, pp. 139–140.
  141. ^ a b Mason 1994, p. 140.
  142. ^ Sheff & Golson 1981, p. 191.
  143. ^ Spitz 2005, p. 757.
  144. ^ a b Brown & Gaines 1984, p. 290.
  145. ^ Giuliano & Giuliano 2005, pp. 130.
  146. ^ Quantick 2002, pp. 37–38.
  147. ^ Anthology 2000, p. 285.
  148. ^ Warga, Wayne (17 May 1968). "Maharishi Yogi Turns Other Cheek to The Beatles' Slur". Los Angeles Times: p. D14. 
  149. ^ "Beatles Fail Bid for Yoga Discipleship". Los Angeles Times: p. C8. 16 April 1968. 
  150. ^ Frontani 2007, p. 198.
  151. ^ a b c d Goldberg 2010.
  152. ^ Olson 20047, p. 339.
  153. ^ Lavezzoli 2006.
  154. ^ Quantick 2002, p. 139.
  155. ^ Bainbridge 1997, p. 188.
  156. ^ Smith 1975, p. 127.
  157. ^ Israelson, David (4 April 1992). "Politics brings former Beatle back on stage in Britain". Toronto Star: p. A.3. 
  158. ^ Greene 2008, p. 244.
  159. ^ Quantick 2002, p. 136.
  160. ^ Shankar, Jay (5 February 2008). "Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Beatles' Spiritual Guru, Dies". Bloomberg L.P. Retrieved 12 June 2011. 
  161. ^ Harry 2002, p. 99.
  162. ^ Hornby, Catherine (6 February 2008). "Memorial pays tribute to Indian guru". Reuters. 
  163. ^ Pareles, Jon (6 April 2009). "Just Say 'Om': The Fab Two Give a Little Help to a Cause". The New York Times: p. C.7. 
  164. ^ "Beatles' ashram in Indian decaying". 19 December 2007. Retrieved 15 March 2010. 
  165. ^ "Jerry Hall’s Gurus" (Press release). BBC. 8 August 2003. Retrieved 24 April 2010. 
  166. ^ "The Beatles in India". 
  167. ^ Walters, Ben (27 March 2007). "Mira Nair Q&A". Time Out London. Time Out. Retrieved 15 March 2010. 
  168. ^ Goldman 1988, p. 297.
  169. ^ Choudhury, Uttara (17 May 2010). "Martin Scorsese films Harrison’s tryst with Indian spirituality". Daily News & Analysis. 
  170. ^ Bhagat, Bikas. "When The Beatles turned to India". Zee News. Retrieved 27 January 2011. 
  171. ^ Anthology 2000, p. 305.
  172. ^ a b Miles 1997.
  173. ^ Barry Miles, as quoted by Richie Unterberger in the sleevenotes to the eventual non-Apple release of Listening To Richard Brautigan.
  174. ^ MacDonald 2007, pp. 291–292.
  175. ^ MacDonald 2007, pp. 296–297.
  176. ^ Harry 2000, pp. 705–706.
  177. ^ MacDonald 2007, p. 293.
  178. ^ Miles 1997, p. 420.
  179. ^ a b Ryan 1982, p. 161.
  180. ^ a b c Miles 1997, p. 421.
  181. ^ a b Giuliano & Giuliano 2005, pp. 125.
  182. ^ Miles 1997, pp. 423–490.
  183. ^ Sheff & Golson 1981, p. 200.
  184. ^ Miles 1997, p. 419.
  185. ^ MacDonald 2007, pp. 295–296.
  186. ^ MacDonald 2007, p. 308.
  187. ^ Honigsbaum, Mark (15 August 2005). "All you need is love and peace – but not in destructive Britain, so maharishi pulls out". The Guardian (London). 
  188. ^ MacDonald 2007, p. 309.
  189. ^ Blaney 2005, p. 40.
  190. ^ Miles 1997, p. 423.
  191. ^ Leng 2006, p. 34.
  192. ^ MacDonald 2007, pp. 278–279.
  193. ^ a b Giuliano & Giuliano 2005, pp. 123.
  194. ^ Kozinn, Allan (20 March 1988). "Music; A New Lennon Mystery Tour". New York Times: p. A.25. 
  195. ^ MacDonald 2007, pp. 308–309.
  196. ^ Donovan 2005, p. 215.
  197. ^ Donovan 2005, p. 210.
  198. ^ Donovan 2005, p. 211.


Further reading

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